
Our higher purpose

Create a business environment where all prosper

There is another way of doing business. One where all stakeholders connected do well. Doing business at the expense of one of your stakeholder will effect your business negatively eventually.

Research has shown that conscious businesses are far more successful, also for Shareholders. This way of working requires a different way of thinking and being.

The goal of Conscious Business is to reach the tipping point: If enough companies show that this way of working is more successful, the rest will follow. Because they see that it also works better for them or, if necessary, because their survival is threatened if they do not develop as well. We set the tipping point at 16% of companies.

Conscious Business is connected to the worldwide movement of Conscious Capitalism.

Hendrik Jan van Es

Conscious Business

Hendrik Jan van Es

Entrepreneur from the day of graduation in business economics and two years of philosophy. Founder of the first Dutch B2B internet auction and thereby valuing (post doc) and selling the healthy parts of bankrupt companies. 

Then to help companies not go bankrupt and to help companies bring new products to the market with a positive impact. Ultimately understanding that it is not so much about the technical side and the business case. The most added value is in the development of the people, the culture they form together and what drives them (as an organisation) at the core.

Giovanna Carucci

Conscious Business

Giovanna Carucci

Founder&President Fondazione Conscious Business Italia

Ceo&Founder #Authenticleader

Graduated from Bocconi University, after decades as a manager in the world of fashion and luxury, she decided to dedicate her body and soul to coaching, which she carries out with great passion and particular attention to the development of potential, business coaching and leadership.

Generative Coach certified by the IAGC (International Association of Generative Change) by Robert Dilts and Stephen Gilligan.

Practitioner in Creative Mind and Generative Trance by Stephen Gilligan.

Lecturer  in Conscious Business at many Italian universities and business schools.

Contributor for a large number of national and international Business and Leadership publications.

Steven Lohman

Conscious Business

Steven Lohman

During 20 years of entrepreneurship, Steven has lived the experience of shaping consciousness in business.

Steven is an advocate of humanising organisations, where individual and group values are leading the way to a sustainable strategy and execution.

Steven is a trained instructor for participatory leadership, chairs the board of an Amsterdam based centre for personal growth, and is a sailing instructor in his spare time.


Conscious Business / B Corp


Jo for short is a European boy – born and raised in Germany with its tradition of social market economy, he studied in Germany and England and lived and worked in France, Luxembourg and for many years now in Spain.

Having been brought up in an entrepreneurial environment, Jo subsequently started his career as a banker, studied European business, worked as an auditor, a financial director as well as a managing director in different industry sectors. After 25 years in corporate, in 2016 he became a consultant, coach, mentor, and investor to accompany companies on their way to be sustainable and focused on humans.

Jo joined Conscious Capitalism in Spain and co-founded the Madrid Hub.

He supports and works with the Conscious Business Netherland team building the Conscious Business Europe Network!

Jo also is linked to B-Corp as a B-leader. He works with different sized companies to certify as B-Corp which is a great start to implement and measure a conscious business and start the transformation of a company.


Conscious Business and CB Education


“I believe we still underestimate how much impact a group of dedicated conscious business leaders has to change how business is done.”

Konstantin spent 27 years in a variety of managerial and leadership roles at HP Inc. Since 2019 he is working the space where business and consciousness meet, as Coach, Meditation Teacher, and Conscious Business Catalyst.

Konstantin co-founded the Spanish chapter of Conscious Capitalism. His passion is to educate about how to do business consciously. For that reason he initiated the Conscious Business Education Project. Being co-funded by the EU, it aims to expand how business is taught in Universities to the next and current generation of business leaders in Europe.

Sebastian Ross

Co-founder Spanish Conscious Capitalism Chapter

Sebastian Ross

“The Netherlands is in many ways a progressive and conscious country. In that sense, it is also a natural place for an initiative that formally promotes the practice of conscious business. I am happy and honored to support this initiative.” 

Sebastian Ross is a thought leader in the space of leadership, culture, and conscious business. His personal mission is to “Help people flourish in life through work.” In this pursuit, he studies theories, methodologies, systems that allow companies to create healthy cultures, thriving employees, and by these means, achieve sustained social impact and financial success.

Sebastian co-founded the Spanish chapter of Entrepreneur Organisation (EO) and was a board member for many years. In 2015, Sebastian co-founded the Spanish Conscious Capitalism chapter and served as its first Managing Director. Today he is a member of the board of trustees of the Conscious Capitalism Foundation. Sebastian also lectures on Conscious Capitalism at the University of Barcelona. 

Mansi Jasuja

Conscious Business

Mansi Jasuja

Mansi has worked in the field of climate change impact for the past 20 years. In 2008, a growing sense of climate urgency led her to focus very purposefully on facilitating participatory leadership and empowerment through capacity building of professionals and building networks.

It is the people who determine a decision or process, so conscious leadership is central to her work. Hailing from India and living in the Netherlands since 2000, she uses the opportunities of this cultural duality to create creative solutions together. What gives her a lot of energy are interactions that lead to change. It is this search for the core that encourages people and companies to make meaningful contributions for a better world.

Prof. dr. Karen Maas

Prof. Accounting & Sustainability Open Universiteit

Prof. dr. Karen Maas

Karen Maas is Professor of Accounting and Sustainability at the Open University, The Netherlands. Next to that she is Academic Director of Impact Centre Erasmus (ICE) and conducts research in the field of impact measurement, Impact Investing and Corporate Social Responsibility. Karen is also Academic Director of the executive CSR courses at the Erasmus School for Accounting & Assurance. She serves on several Boards in academia and practice. Her work has been published in newspaper, academic journals, books and other media.

“You can’t keep doing what you’ve always done, but you do need a business model so that you don’t have to discuss and explain every choice.”

Jacqueline Scheidsbach

Director Impact Centre Erasmus,
Erasmus University Rotterdam

Jacqueline Scheidsbach

Jacqueline Scheidsbach MBA is a business administrator and entrepreneur. Jacqueline has provided strategic advice to DGAs (family businesses), directors and management teams of mainly medium-sized companies for many years. She has supported about 200 companies in various sectors with strategy and organizational development. She was also interim director and change manager for various organizations. Professionally, Jacqueline has been developed along the lines of sociotechnical, Total Quality Management, business plans and cases and the last ten years with a focus on social relevance of organizations. She is the general director of Impact Center Erasmus (ICE), an education and research institute associated with Erasmus University Rotterdam. She is also a supervisor and supervisory director for a number of organisations.

Raj Sisodia

Founding member of the Conscious Capitalism movement

Raj Sisodia

“The Netherlands is a country that has a great deal to teach the rest of the world when it comes to doing business and living in a conscious way. I am delighted to support this community so that it can help deepen the conscious business movement in the Netherlands and share that learning with the rest of the world.”

Raj Sisodia is FW Olin Distinguished Professor of Global Business and Whole Foods Market Research Scholar in Conscious Capitalism at Babson College, and Co-Founder and Co-Chairman of Conscious Capitalism Inc. He has a Ph. D. in Business from Columbia University. Raj is co-author of the New York Times bestseller Conscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business (2013) and Wall Street Journal bestseller Everybody Matters (2015). He was named one of “Ten Outstanding Trailblazers of 2010” by Good Business International, and one of the “Top 100 Thought Leaders in Trustworthy Business Behavior” by Trust Across America for 2010 and 2011. Raj received an honorary doctorate from Johnson & Wales University in 2016.

Raj has published eleven books, including Firms of Endearment: How World Class Companies Profit from Passion and Purpose, which was named a top business book of 2007 by His most recent book is The Healing Organization: Awakening the Conscience of Business to Help Save the World. He has consulted with numerous companies, including AT&T, Verizon, LG, DPDHL, POSCO, Kraft Foods, Whole Foods Market, Tata, Siemens, Sprint, Volvo, IBM, Walmart, McDonalds and Southern California Edison. He is on the Board of Directors at The Container Store and a trustee of Conscious Capitalism Inc.

Thomas Eckschmidt

CEO & Co-founder of Conscious Business Journey
Co-author of Conscious Capitalism Field Guide (Harvard)

Thomas Eckschmidt

“The only sustainable way forward is if business generates value for all stakeholders, otherwise it will start to die.”

Thomas Eckschmidt is the father of Gabriela, husband of Ana Maria and an enthusiast of conscious capitalism.

Successful entrepreneur, with 12 awards received, 4 patent filed, and 10 books published, some of them putting the fundamentals of conscious capitalism into action: Conscious Capitalism Field Guide (Harvard 2018), Conscious Business Manifesto (CBJ Press 2020) and Conscious Business Activator (Voo 2019). Thomas leads a global network of Change Agents at CBJ Conscious Business Journey with the purpose to accelerate the change towards a more conscious business ecosystem. Thomas also serves as a trusted advisor in corporate boards.

Timothy Henry

Co-author of Conscious Capitalism Field Guide (Harvard)

Timothy Henry

Timothy is one of the co-founders of the Conscious Capitalism movement, served as a Trustee of Conscious Capitalism Inc. for 12 years and is the co-author of “The Conscious Capitalism Field Guide: Tools for Transforming Your Organization”.

Timothy’s purpose is to catalyze and coach leaders and organizations to accelerate the journey to becoming Conscious Capitalist organizations. His experience and focus is on developing practical approaches to executing company strategies, while coaching leaders to lead change and build great cultures to ensure longer-term success. 

He has more than 30 years of experience working as a trusted business advisor to clients; from Fortune 20 to entrepreneurial, owner managed businesses, across the globe. He is a former Principal at Booz, Allen and Hamilton and has helped develop and grow two start-up consulting firms and served as CEO of another. 

“Make Conscious Business the new normal! If not you, then who? If not now, then when?”

Kees Klomp

Founding partner THRIVE institute

Kees Klomp

“We face an economic system challenge. Due to social and ecological damage and shame, we realize more and more emphatically that the current economic system is broken and that we need to change radically.”

THRIVE Institute is the entrepreneurial think tank and trusted third party at the intersection of public, private and personal. Together with our partners, we develop innovative processes for a flourishing organization and society. This is how we shape the future.

We identify complex challenges, connect stakeholders and develop impactful and future-proof solutions. Thrive Institute uses various methods to realize this, such as innovation challenges, theme dialogues, talent competitions, incubators & accelerators and educational innovation.

Ton Goedmaker

CEO Vebego International B.V.

Ton Goedmaker

“I think it is important that entrepreneurs become aware of the powerful instrument they have in their hands with their company.

In this way they can make a positive contribution to social themes. It is an instrument with which they can serve the interests of all stakeholders. This community is a catalyst in the movement towards more conscious business operations. Within the community, companies are inspired, they inspire other companies and people are brought together.

That is why I wholeheartedly support the goal of Conscious Business Netherlands and I am happy to commit myself as an ambassador.”

Ron Steenkuijl 

Director Corporate Affairs ADG Dienstengroep

Ron Steenkuijl 

Wij behoren als ADG dienstengroep tot de 10 grootste werkgevers in Nederland. Als familiebedrijf zijn we sinds 1952 jaar uitgegroeid tot een groep met 42.000 medewerkers, allemaal werkzaam in Nederland

Ik heb een sterke innerlijke overtuiging dat ieder bedrijf naast de primaire focus op continuïteit, innovatie en een gezonde winst kwaliteiten in zich draagt die ook buiten het bedrijf inzetbaar zijn om een actieve bijdrage te leveren aan maatschappelijke winst voor de samenleving. Niet door te praten maar bovenal door te doen! Zo maken we samen Nederland beter.

Meike Nittel

Business Muse

Meike Nittel

Host of Conscious Business and CC Europe Community on LinkedIn.

Finding the book and the 4 pinciples of Conscious Capitalism some years ago, I started to travel the world to connect with the conscious business community, to meet with highly inspiring business people.I am honoured to support the Dutch Conscious Business Community to grow. I run my international coaching and training practice out of Berlin, collaborating with great international colleagues. We support entrepreneurs, executives and their teams to unfold their potential as individuals and as co-creators in business. We share powerful tools for appreciative, conscious communication and mindful leadership, so teams can unleash high energy and co-work with ease. We use the power of curiosity and advanced transformative people skills as much as physical, conscious breathwork.

“Seeing people’s amazing talents and brilliancy, my purpose is to support them to recognize and unfold their creative and transformative potential.”


Sense Valley United |  Caracter for Impact  | Caracter Community 


Suzette Moerman supports the Conscious Business movement driven by a deep desire to foster and catalyze consciousness and resilience in business as they are the fundament for future proof and healthy workspaces. She embarked on her entrepreneurial journey in 2001, founding her own consulting organisations with offices in Europe and China. Her vision back then, and today, to revolutionise partnerships in the fast and slow moving consumer goods realm (Caracter Community, Caracter Academy and Caracter for Impact) to create meaningful and conscious connections and lasting growth, for all.

Today, she stands as a renowned thought leader, shaping conscious partnerships and businesses worldwide. In 2017, Suzette stepped down as CEO of her own companies to connect on a deeper level with herself and the conscious tribe, developing innovative methodologies and partnerships. Committed to meaningful businesses and regenerative capital, Suzette developed a lean and easy to implement business and growth transformation method. Because she believes not everybody is ready for the ‘big transformation’ but a lot are open to make steps, we have to scale our impact as thought leaders by making it lean, simple and attractive to start the process of transformation.

Beyond her professional pursuits, Suzette finds joy in life’s simple pleasures and exploring the world to connect with like-minded souls.